Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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drawABoxStudent in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2019-01-13 17:28

Just reposting my reply from the other day as a reply in the sequence of the thread, I realised I posted it off the original, not 100% sure how reddit does thread notifications:

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here's my additional drawings, I did a few extra, it felt like it took a bit of time to get my head around what you were requesting and also to wean myself off working so closely to reference photos.


Most of the reference for these came from a superb flickr stream I stumbled on here, super hi res stuff and many insects with multiple angles of the same subject:



drawABoxStudent in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2019-01-10 21:23

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here's my additional drawings, I did a few extra, it felt like it took a bit of time to get my head around what you were requesting and also to wean myself off working so closely to reference photos.


Most of the reference for these came from a superb flickr stream I stumbled on here, super hi res stuff and many insects with multiple angles of the same subject:



drawABoxStudent in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2019-01-02 20:33

Thanks for the super fast feedback! That all makes sense. Will take your advice on board and try a few more.

drawABoxStudent in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2019-01-02 19:14

Hi Uncomfortable, Happy New Year!

Hope it was a goddun. And congrats on getting the revised site up, it looks great! Haven't quite had time to go through it all but first impressions are it's a great improvement/refinement over the previous version, congrats on all the hard work!

Here's my lesson 4 homework.. took two months I think to finish this more or less? Was originally intending to do it in half the time but life got in the way as it does. I was at the end of this assignment when the new homework requirements came out so my construction only drawings actually come at the end (the imgur post is

in chronological order). I also included some organic form intersection stuff I did as practice from your feedback from lesson 3 in lieu of standard organic forms.

I did two crustaceans/arthropods in there as well, hope that's not too far of a departure from the homework instructions, they are arthropods at least-! I also included initial construction drawings for my textured bugs where i remembered to take a wip photo in case that helps.


Also here are the reference images I used in case you find them useful:


Looking forward to hearing what you critiques you have, Thanks again for all your hard work!

drawABoxStudent in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-11-12 20:47

Condolences for your loss, thanks so much for taking the time to still do a critique, your consistency and hard work is really inspiring.

drawABoxStudent in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-11-10 12:03

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here's my lesson three homework, tried to really take my time on this one. Was actually planning on doing one or two more this weekend but after a pretty unproductive morning, I think the 'well' is empty for now if you know what I mean.

Spent quite a bit of time split up with the cylinder challenge on this one. Pretty happy with the cherry blossoms but had a really rough go the last two weeks trying unsuccessfully to alternately draw orchids and calla lilys. Don't suppose you had any demos for those lying around?

For the bonsai tree I included a picture of the initial lay-in in case that's helpful as much of the original construction was ultimately covered by texture.

Thanks again!


drawABoxStudent in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-10-31 21:46

Ah! Thanks for the feedback, and thanks so much for that tip about the damaged tip, I swapped both the tips on my 0.5 and 0.3 pens and they are way better now. I can now at least have a 10-15% tilt on them and still get a decent line out of them. I tried some toned paper for a change in the beginning of lesson 3 and I found I had to press a lot harder to get the ink to flow on the page. I think I ruined both tips doing that. Anyway, everything you've said I think still applies as things I need to work on, but at least I'm not fighting the pens so much anymore, thanks!

drawABoxStudent in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-10-30 20:02

Hey Uncomfortable, happy halloween!


Here are my 250 cylinders.. It was much less painful that the boxes I have to say. Though I feel like I got worse over time for some reason? I got feedback for lesson 2 about 75 cylinders in to this one, and one of your notes stressed trying to not be sketchy with initial construction lines, so I tried to apply that as much as possible here. (though admittedly, not with the boxes that contained cylinders, which was perhaps a mistake?). One thing Im struggling with is in order to execute nice lines I'm finding I need to draw a certain speed, but those lines invariably come out pretty fine. It helps if I hold my pen more perpendicular to the page, but that angle I find I have very little control. Anyway some advice would be much appreciated on that front as I'm working with lesson 3 right now and I feel like I'm having similar problems. Thanks again for looking over my stuff!

drawABoxStudent in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-10-14 18:55

Hey Uncomfortable, Here's my Lesson 2-


-Arrows: Probably need more practice here, had some trouble making nicely flowing ribbons. Hoping to work this in to my warmups and have another go at it when I get to the leaves pages in lesson 3.

-Organic Forms: Seemed to go OK, but definitely need to work on my line fluidity

-Dissections: Was quite fun but crazy hard. I really wanted to try some textures that were more shadow dominated, which is something i struggle with in all my drawing really. No luck this time so the stuff i ended up with is pretty linear.

-Form intersections: Really struggled with these. Sat starting at the pages a lot trying to figure out how the forms intersect and never really got comfortable. Some of them I opened up maya and made a few primitives just to get my head around what was happening. Definitely something to keep working on.