Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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DrabRyn in the post "New? Lost? Read this intro to /r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com before you post anything"

2020-01-06 06:12

Ive just found this subreddit and havent even looked at the lessons yet. Still, I have a pencil grip that I only relatively recently learned was wrong. Its physically difficult for me to hold the pencil the right way. My fingers dont have the movement many other peoples do in general. Im autistic and I know a lot of autistic people have difficulty with fine motor skills and it can impact writing ability (Id initially not realised I may be one of the autistic people this impacts because its to a mild degree). I also have fused vertibrae in my neck that cause very mild issues and I think the fused vertebrae might even contribute to my limited finger control. It took me a while to realise these things might be connected to the way I hold my pen. I tried relearning how I hold my pen but, in addition to it just being a hard to break habit, I think I might just be less physically capable of holding the pen other ways. I can hold the pen normally but it feels uncomfortable, especially over extended periods. So I decided to stick to what felt comfortable for me.

Guess Im just sharing so you know that sometimes your pen grip can be related to things you cant really change about yourself. It might not simply be a bad habit. Maybe theres a practical reason you started holding the pencil that way in the first place. I dont have any more advice than that, sorry, but the advice you already got seems pretty good.