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Difficult_Cap_3155 in the post "250 box challenge is so frustrating"

2022-08-04 17:51

Can you link an image if possible. I approach them like the boxes we drew in the organic perspective exercise this. So once I have that spiral I draw the respective sides. ( this might be what you are already doing I don't know. Once you have this to draw the internals of the box use the three lines you have already drawn as reference for this fourth line you are drawing. All these 4 lines go to the same vanishing point. So the "angle" or orientation of this line will be informed by the "angle" or orientation of 3 outer lines you have already drawn . All these four lines go off to the same vanishing point. Since there are 3 sides to do this for. The place where these 3 sides meet will be your inside corner. I don't know if this makes sense but with a picture I can help more.

Look at this, You will have drawn the box on the left, so now you add the internal lines which you use the 3 lines of each side you have already drawn as reference.

Difficult_Cap_3155 in the post "250 box challenge is so frustrating"

2022-08-04 16:54

Also can I continue with lesson 2 while also doing the challenge ?

I am pretty sure that is a No

especially when something's off every time

yeah we are all still learning so this will happen, your job is to try an figure out why that happ3nd and approach it differently the next attempt. You can use the lesson as a comparison on your approach.

Would really appreciate some advice from those who completed it

Try not to time yourself, have the mentality I will finish when I finish, be it a month , or years( obviously it wont take that long) but doing this means you don't rush and actually benefit from doing the boxes. Take your time on each box and remember analysing or looking at what is off in a previous attempt, even looking at the video lesson again maybe to compare on what you did wrong. For example if the four lines which must meet at a singular vanishing point are way off. Keep this in mind on the second attempt now looking at your placement of those lines when plotting.

This does seems hard but honestly you will just have to do it. Stay in the fight there is no way around it. In no time you will be done. Take breaks and push yourself but not in a detrimental way. If tired or loosing focus, rather stop as the point is not just drawing 250 boxes but improving on this exercise of drawing a box which meets the standards. Good luck :)