Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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diamartist in the post "New? Lost? Read this intro to /r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com before you post anything"

2019-10-05 23:30

Sweet, thank you so much for the clarification. I can rest easy now knowing that I'm doing the right amount of work for where I currently am.

diamartist in the post "New? Lost? Read this intro to /r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com before you post anything"

2019-10-05 05:55

Can I ask a question about what the intended way to use the sub is? Or maybe it's more of a clarification on how much I should be doing before submission. I have done several exercises (but haven't finished lesson one entirely, I'm up to tables of ellipses), but I haven't submitted anything yet because of the advice that it's better to wait until you've done a whole lesson before submitting for critique.

From reading the lessons I got the impression that I was only supposed to do as many pages of the exercise as it says in the homework section (e.g. two pages of superimposed lines, one page of ghosted lines, etc) to avoid grinding, and then submit them all when I have finished lesson 1 completely (which I think means finishing boxes). But when I looked at the sub, it looks like a lot of the submissions are for individual exercises and some of the wording says like "Think I'm getting better!" or "Latest try" or something along those lines, and the quality of the marks in those is way, way better than mine (I am currently terrible at drawing and I've never been good, hence the determination to learn how to be good). Also in the lesson plan it says work submitted for critique should be "The best you can currently do".

So I'm worried that by submitting the work I've done, it's not going to be useful for critique purposes because the quality of it is so low, because e.g. I have literally done two A4 pages of superimposed lines ever, and currently my understanding is that those two pages (plus the ghosted lines, ghosted planes, etc) are what gets submitted for critique in a big Imgur album once I'm done lesson one, and then I work on it from there. If I'm wrong and I'm meant to work on the exercises more than just the pages that will be submitted before submitting them, I don't want to waste anyone's time by not submitting work that's good enough to critique.