Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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DaymanMaster0fKarate in the post "Check out Bryan Lee's Sketchbook Kickstarter. More info in the comments"

2015-04-21 18:35

Damn that's inspiring, but also makes me think of how much time he must have put in and how little I really know

DaymanMaster0fKarate in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-28 03:55

I found the perspective on the floating squares very difficult, felt like I didn't have a good frame of reference so they ended up all over the place.

Also with the pen I find I have to move a lot slower so my lines end more wobbly. I tried to do a lot of lines practice to compensate but still had issues with it. I should probably plan more before doing the lines for my squares as well, but I'm gonna be honest trying to think about how to rotate the cube in space and then place the lines made my head hurt sometimes, or my brain just kinda go "fuck you I'm not doing this", I'll have to continue practicing that. I tried to look at a real cube I have and rotate it to use as a reference, but translating the 3d edges to 2d lines while retaining their length and angle was possibly even more difficult. Much harder than I expected it to be!


The pictures should be in chronological order, if it matters.

DaymanMaster0fKarate in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-25 18:56

Yeah, I just did it in paint with a mouse to show the side numbering, the assignment i'm doing with a felt tip pen on paper. When I finish and upload it I'll label the plane and perspective exercises with the different methods I used for comparison. Thanks!

DaymanMaster0fKarate in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-25 18:46

Not done with the assignment yet but I discovered something about how I draw cubes, I find it a lot easier to draw all the outside sides of the cube instead of drawing each plane separetely.

Here is a picture of the two ways I've been drawing cubes, the sides are numbered in the order I drew them. The first one is the way I find easier, to draw all the outside sides first. The second is when I draw one side at a time


Should I also practice drawing cubes one side at a time or just use the way I find easier?