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dalidililada in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-05-15 08:33

Thanks for the critique boxman. I will play around with boxes that have vanishing point closer more often.

Glad I did well, looking forward to completing the lesson 2!

dalidililada in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-05-14 21:20


Rushed the last 80 boxes or so because I want to finish the challenge today. (Sorry but not sorry >.>)

I noticed some issues already. For example, my estimation is quite bad or the hidden lines gave me the most trouble.. There's definitely room for improvement so I will continue draw boxes as warm up but here goes 39 pages of boxes for the challenge!


dalidililada in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-05-08 05:05

The second page definitely is not as good as the first page, I was hesitant because it has longer lines than the first page, but no excuses, I will keep practice it everyday as warm up.

The ellipses was my effort to keep up the quality with my lines and it really messed up quite a bit. Ellipses really gave me a lot trouble and I need to work on it more to get it to the same quality as my lines.

I noticed something is off with my rotated boxes as soon as I done but because it turned out quite good and I didn't want to 'perfect' it so.. yeah.. I will comeback to it as a warm up really soon tho.

With the organic boxes, by far the most trouble I have is the small boxes, I can't fully control my shoulder to draw really short lines, sometimes I wish if only I could use my wrist or even elbow.. And of course, line weight. Honestly when I added them, I didn't really understand how it works, how should I apply, so I.. picked random lines that I think it makes sense.

Woah, I didn't expect that last paragraph at all but I'm already started the challenge. I want to go through hell like everyone else, I want to taste it xD

Thank you so much for the critique, it really means a lot to me. I will take it as a compliment (of course I will work on the issues you pointed out), my very first one ever!

dalidililada in the post "Drawabox, /r/ArtFundamentals and Reddit going forward. My plans for the future, and the chance to include you lot in on the discussion."

2018-05-07 17:50

To me the only part I don't really like so far about the website is everytime I open the lesson again it always shows in Spanish so I have to set to English again and my data doesn't like it xD It only happens with lesson 1 tho.

dalidililada in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-05-07 16:52

After the messages with you, I decided to do it as you tell me, just went for it and stopped trying to perfect them. Surprisingly ( or not at all xD), it turned out quite well. They ( the boxes section) are all done first try, expect for the organic perspective boxes, had to do it twice, they are really the hardest part of lesson 1.

Anyway, here go my homework for lesson 1!
