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daftcruz in the post "I cut up a paper towel tube to make a model for drawing cylinders. It's not perfect, but it's been very helpful"

2022-05-27 03:15

I think I get it now.

Have a great day.

daftcruz in the post "I cut up a paper towel tube to make a model for drawing cylinders. It's not perfect, but it's been very helpful"

2022-05-26 18:48

It's pretty clear from the drawings that he's analyzing and constructing the cylinder though, not only observing it. He drew the ellipses and the minor axis.

> it would also be fair to say that the exercise as it is designed would do nothing to improve observational skills

About this sentence, sorry, I hard disagree. This is contradicting the rest of the course if you say so.

Say for example, that he's having trouble visualizing what is and how the minor axis works.

Then he pick that tube and draw from observation, but using construction.

After drawing from different angles, he now understands how ellipses rotate in perspective and what their minor axis is.

So both your exercise and the observation helped him improve his skills.

The exercise because it's designed to understand how the "anatomy" of the cylinder, what can not be seen by just looking at the reference.

And the observational drawing because he's actually seeing physically the ellipses rotating in that tube.

Both work hand in hand, they aren't more or less effective than the other.

So I don't think it hurts to do both, if it means that he's going to understand the topic.

daftcruz in the post "I cut up a paper towel tube to make a model for drawing cylinders. It's not perfect, but it's been very helpful"

2022-05-26 04:00

I followed your program a long time ago. Though I didn't post anything here, I really appreciate some of your lessons because they helped me.

However, I'm gonna have to disagree here.

Observational studies can solve spatial reasoning puzzles.

And judging by his page, he's not only observing, he's analyzing, constructing and trying to understand the cylinder by drawing the minor axis.

Which is the point of the lesson, isn't it?

And not only that, but when he get the organic forms exercises later on, where you specified to use reference, he will gain traction to properly analyze and draw from observation.