Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
cosmicpicklegames's Comments | Check out their posts instead

CosmicPickleGames in the post "Partial lesson submissions and single exercises will no longer be accepted on this subreddit, but you can get feedback on individual exercises on the Discord Chat Server. More information in this post."

2020-05-09 08:35

I read through most of the comments on this and I can see divided views. I gotta say I understand both. What you are saying about the size of the community makes perfect sense. With the sheer amount of posts, the ones that are actually cull lessons do get lost as they are naturally less. However, I see the other point of view too. I think many people, myself included, draw not only knowledge but inspiration of this sub. While seeing people post the WHOLE 250 box challenge kept me going, seeing separate texture exercises got me excited and thinking about textures. Also sharing my work with people on the same well journey is a real nice way to boost motivation.

So here is my idea. Why not make a separate subreddit, that can be for sharing any and all types of posts connected with drawabox - partial lesson shares, drawings in which people used techniques learned from drawabox etc. The purpose of this subreddid would be more inspirational than educational. It wouldn't be about searching for feedback for your every exercise and thus not gaining confidence. It would be more like sharing your progress with others. That way people that want to post or feedback whole lessons would look here. Others that want to share their work can post there. I would personally use both for sure.