Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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CarveToolLover in the post "First day drawing ever, Jesus am I bad (table of ellipsies)"

2022-06-06 04:54

Yeah makes sense, I saw that but forgot.

Anyways I just wanted to say I've come away very impressed with your community and how you manage things.

I'm going to be supporting your business on Patreon now. Both for the credit and just to support a good thing

I really like how candid and straightforward everything is. It doesn't feel like you're selling a miracle cream, it feels like you're selling tools to sharpen skills. It's a breath of fresh air. People seem to avoid selling anything that requires rigor, and yet it seems that's what helps the best

CarveToolLover in the post "First day drawing ever, Jesus am I bad (table of ellipsies)"

2022-06-05 17:46

Hey thank you! I realize that now.

To give a little context for why I thought this was okay: I usually view subreddits based on top of all time first. There are a decent amount of posts like this from a few years ago. I'm assuming that's before the rules were changed.

I just wanted to tell you in case that seems to be a reoccurring issue. Anyways thanks again, your course seems amazing so far