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cantdrawastickman in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-09-23 15:22


Additional requested homework plus some. Forms were drawn fairy big so I did some extra. Still struggle on the tail end of the half ellipses on the contour lines. Get psyched out or something, Ive been trying super imposed lines over half of a full ellipse to try and get it sorted out.

cantdrawastickman in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-09-19 17:57

Thank you sir. Ill work on these over probably about the next week.

I get the concept for how the ellipses should sit in the forms to give a sense of direction, i just dont seem to be able to apply it well. I feel like its a visualizing problem. I think I have trouble imagining the form when its its just a flat empty shape, and then its becoming randomish contours.

cantdrawastickman in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-09-19 16:35

Alright here go. I think this ones going to hurt. Parenting has been getting in the way a bit more than previously, but hopefully were back on the up and up.


I found this lesson much more difficult compared to lesson 1. Organic forms are much less concrete than lines and boxes. Much more judgment as to where and how to add contour lines. My lack of drawing ability is very apparent in this lesson.

Dissections were absolutely punishing. Very disheartening. Picking textures I felt I had a chance at conveying was tough.

Form intersections much more enjoyable though I felt a little without purpose when doing it, suggesting Im missing something important. The intersections themselves are generally shit. I feel like Im ok at visualizing them, but get all confused when I start trying to draw them. Ill probably just keep working on these.

cantdrawastickman in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-09-06 01:28

Thank you. I had watched that video, probably a couple times trying to make sense of it. Generally speaking, I tried to push the degree of the ellipse as much as possible and have it touch one the edges of the all planes so that the major axis lined up with the VPs but prioritized having the ellipse cantered on the minor axis. Is this incorrect? I kind of assumed with the shape of some of my boxes, I wouldnt have been making circles.

cantdrawastickman in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-09-05 09:07

Opted to do cylinders before getting into form intersections. Lesson 2 shouldnt be too far behind.


cantdrawastickman in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-08-05 05:37

Have to say I'm pretty happy with the results of the box challenge. Lots of improvement but still need to keep working them lines.


cantdrawastickman in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-07-22 15:13

Hi Uncomfortable,

I've 'always' been terrible at drawing, and don't think I've ever given it a fair shot. Your approach is very appealing to me. Even through just this lesson, I feel like like it's getting better.

I've just signed up on the patreon so if you need more info let me know, or if I've missed something let me know. My kid ate my original funnel and I missed a planes page so I redid it.
