Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
callmeeismann's Comments | Check out their posts instead

callmeeismann in the post "Yesterday, we dropped a new video about the concepts around the 50% rule. This is without exception, the most important video of the entire course."

2022-01-16 22:32

Thank you so much for this video, that was great. I've struggled to understand and obviously follow the 50% rule the entire time I've been doing Drawabox (on lesson 7 now). I've spent a ton of time following other courses, reading books etc and too rarely went out of my comfort zone trying to face my fear of failure head on so while my technical skill improved immensely, I've barely become better at actually creating art. This video has really made it clear for me why and how to change my priorities.

You can empathize incredibly well with your students' problems and a beginner's needs. I think that is a big part of what makes you such a great instructor. Huge props for that and thank you for everything so far.