Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
bubbledoo's Comments | Check out their posts instead

bubbledoo in the post "Drawabox, /r/ArtFundamentals and Reddit going forward. My plans for the future, and the chance to include you lot in on the discussion."

2018-05-08 22:17

This is a small thing but it would be nice to have the lessons a little more printer-friendly. I like to print them out and have them as a reference while drawing so I'm not constantly scrolling up and down on my phone, as I tend to get lost/confused that way. Plus I highlight important bits of info to remember.

Love the site, love the ideas, love the community, love your involvement. Thanks for providing this awesome resource! It's helped me to take drawing more seriously as a skill, to focus on the movements and lines, rather than to just doodle mindlessly.