Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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bivoauc in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-09-18 17:48

I am 37 and used to enjoy drawing when I was a kid. I ended up falling out in high school after a commercial art class that put me through the ringer. After that I transitioned into music, electronics & computers for many years. After over 10 years as a software developer needed something besides code as a hobby. With a family maintaining focus in that regard is tough.

At the beginning of the month decided to do a year of drawing. Still very new do drawing, but enjoying the challenge this time. Talked my 9 year old into the year challenge with me. So far she has kept up with it. I have a 2 year old who is also using the opportunity to color and draw with us. That is why sometime you will see thing of mine get more colorful.

I ended up finding this thread in search for more direction on improving my skills. My goal is to be able to be able to draw what I see with some level of competency. I would rather not have my sketches look like something from my 6th grade sketch book.