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BiastoGonlo in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-19 19:11

Here's my Lesson 2 :


Took me a while, the texture challenge was a big time sink (not in a bad way). I wound up getting a little tripped up with regards to how to represent certain shadings on objects (sometimes hatching seemed to be an ok way to go, though it turned out terribly in my texture study of the pine cones).

Do you have any advice on a source that might serve as a guide for representing certain effects with pen, how to effectively hatch, etc? Or should I just try to observe other ink drawings, or just forget it all together for now?


BiastoGonlo in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-21 14:46

Done with the challenge !


Thoughts :

It took me a while to start being able to think about the lines I placed in relation to ALL the other parallel lines and not just one other. It's because of this that for a long time close to 100% of my back corners seemed totally weird.

I enjoyed the hatching as a mini practice of doing actually parallel lines and starting and stopping at precise points.

Towards the beginning I was dealing with my lines curving, not little wobbles but the general direction of the line. In the end this has gotten a bit better.

Let me know what you think :)