Hello. I just want to let you know I appreciate every things you do for this community. Every second of your effort is greatly appreciated. You are the god's work. Truly I can say not all heroes wear capes. Other help people to draw boxes. Saying thank you so much is not enough. Maybe you have a happy and fulfilling life ahead of you! Thanks!!
Bazing4baby in the post "Drawabox 2.0 has been released - a full website rebuild, revisions of lessons up to 7 and 19 new videos"
2018-12-28 05:04
Hello. I just want to let you know I appreciate every things you do for this community. Every second of your effort is greatly appreciated. You are the god's work. Truly I can say not all heroes wear capes. Other help people to draw boxes. Saying thank you so much is not enough. Maybe you have a happy and fulfilling life ahead of you! Thanks!!