Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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AntiTheory in the post "Yesterday, we dropped a new video about the concepts around the 50% rule. This is without exception, the most important video of the entire course."

2022-02-21 23:30

I'm about a week in to the Drawabox program and the 50% rule is painful. I enjoy working on the lesson plans because I know that I am working on motor skills and fundamental concepts of drawing and I'm improving with each one. Drawing stuff "just for fun" is all well and good, but I receive no satisfaction setting out to draw something and having it come out horrible. It's not an issue of fear of failure - I'm all for trying and failing and trying again so that I can make iterative improvements on my work. The thing that bothers me is the frustration of futility - setting out to accomplish something you want, failing at it, and learning nothing other than that my skills are not up to par enough to actually draw what I want because I don't have a grasp on the fundamentals like shapes and volumes and construction.

I'm going to try and split my time up more evenly from now on to see if it helps. I did coursework for 4 days and then remembered about the 50% rule so I've been drawing scribbles and doodles for the past 4 days to catch up, but it might not be quite so bad if I can do 1 day on and 1 day off of course material.