Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
anfs888's Comments | Check out their posts instead

anfs888 in the post "Partial lesson submissions and single exercises will no longer be accepted on this subreddit, but you can get feedback on individual exercises on the Discord Chat Server. More information in this post."

2020-05-15 06:03

I'm pretty sure he never stopped.


Also, I've been reading Uncomfortable's feedback to other patreons on old reddit posts and on his website (I'm on Lesson 4) and it is a treasure trove of information! Highly recommended reading for reinforcing the lesson materials.

anfs888 in the post "Partial lesson submissions and single exercises will no longer be accepted on this subreddit, but you can get feedback on individual exercises on the Discord Chat Server. More information in this post."

2020-05-11 02:56

I think it's a great idea. I would be more inclined to give feedback / chat on complete lesson submissions. (To the best of my ability since i am only on Lesson 4)

The issue I have is that I felt like there were just too many pages of incomplete Lesson 1 submissions. From what I remember, Lesson 1 is mostly to get you thinking and failing was almost impossible (assuming you took the time to read the lesson and tried your best). It was okay to not understand everything.

I think if people really struggled on Lesson 1 and want feedback, they are better off paying Uncomfortable for a lesson review (to ensure they start the course correctly) otherwise just move on to the next part. I found moving on helped me understand the previous lessons more.