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AlexSanSm in the post "The Other 50% with draw a box"

2022-11-06 12:29

I had a question very much like yours a year or so ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtFundamentals/comments/p28qm2/question_the_other_50/ You can see the comments there, some of them were very helpful.

From my experience, the other 50% rule keeps you from burning up. I didn't quite followed the rule when I first did drawabox and was all burned out at box 50.I definitively recommend you to follow the rule. It doesn't have to be the exact 50%, just do something else and try to enjoy and learn (key point: enjoy). Hell, even watch some videos about drawing or painting.

An important thing, mentioned by other commenters here, is that you do need to pick up other knowlegde and experience as well as doing drawabox. Watch tutorials on something else, get a bit of scrap paper or the cheapest newsprint and start doodling and drawing. It won't be nice, it won't be good but try to make it fun.Learn about shading, sketching, drawing with pencil, ink, whatever, just do something different. Sketch objects from your house, etc.

I want to do painting and figure drawing so I actually took a few classes and had terrific fun.

Doing Drawabox will help you to draw better and faster, so you can focus on other stuff instead of struggling to get persperctive and lines correct.

Here's a few videos that might give you ideas:



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewMksAbgdBI&list=PL1HIh25sbqZnkA1T09UtVHoyjYaMJuK0a (I do recommend this one)

I am doing drawabox for the second time and now I've noticed how much I've improved and how important is to do something else.

Edit: forgot to mention two great resources

Ctrl+Paint, the unplugged series is awesome!

R/drawing101 you can follow along, do the tasks and read the helpful comments