Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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akwardstreet in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-10-04 21:57

very true! and it gets more and more tempting as I sit here struggling over orgo... ;P

akwardstreet in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-10-01 21:40

Yeah I pretty much thought it was the worst thing in the world at the time. But I enjoy my major now so I can't be as upset in hindsight (although I guess I'll never know what the other path would have been like).

The thought of finding any job ever is just so stressful. aaaaaaHHHhh

and thank you! I've always had some difficulty transitioning out of my more comfortable media so it should be interesting to see how this goes :D!

akwardstreet in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-10-01 17:59

Started reading through this thread during my Heat and Mass transfer class and thought I might post also. I was struck by how many people were in a really similar situation to me and I thought it was pretty neat!

I'm 20 years old, currently a junior studying chemical engineering. Up until my senior year of highschool I totally intended to go into art. I had signed up for art schools on my SATs and got mail from them regularly and was preparing my portfolio and everything when my mom put her foot down and said that if I went to art school, she wouldn't pay. So ChemE it was! I don't ~really~ regret it, although I think I would have enjoyed art a lot more, I'm not really certain how I would have dealt with it as a serious major instead of a serious hobby (if that makes any sense). Regardless, I took AP art in high school and, it was pretty funny actually, because there's this stigma there and I couldn't fit into either stereotype that I 'belonged' in properly - too artsy for the nerds and too nerdy for the artists. (When people found out where I was going to school they used to ask if I was actually in AP art or if I had just spelled my schools name wrong). But anyways.

Art is one of favorite hobbies. I've always been an avid reader and attempted to write but never really got into it. I've always favored graphite over everything else, probably because I like to be constantly working. The only art classes I've taken are in highschool, AP art being the highest level. The portfolio I submitted for that included some of my favorite works (although not as good now that I look back on them), which were all graphite. I found this subreddit while browsing /r/weeklystudy (I believe?)

but this sub seems just perfect to me - I've always looked up tutorials but had a hard time gaining interest in them, but the ones here really pull me in and make me want to learn more and improve! I never had a large variety in anything I've done previously, so I hope I can learn to leave my comfort zone of pencils and pencils and more pencils..

nervously pushes large pencil drawings under bed

as for my previous work -

most of it can be found on my tumblr but I rooted through to pick my personal favorites that took more than 30 minutes...

here's the graphite work I mentioned centered around 'control'

and here's some other random stuff that I've done just for fun!