Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-21 18:58

Great! Thank you very much, I will surely keep on refining my grasp of proportions and everything you've mentioned.

I'll get started on the cylinder challenge then

ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-20 22:08

Hi! Me here with my lesson 5 :3


Ok first the bad things out of the way

I really struggled with proportions A LOT, they were all over the place 98% of the time.

Also I did no really dabble too much on details because I tend to make it overdetailed and hide my mistakes hehehe so yeah, there's that

Aaaaaand one last (two actually) thing somehow when practicing, sometimes the animals would end up better than the official page, I'm not sure but maybe I'm overthinking it? Like my perfectionism gets in the way and in turn everything goes "Error in the matrix"...

On the same note when trying to repeat an animal I correct one mistake, but then I realize I made another (sometimes worse) mistake, it kind of feels like this: https://youtu.be/2GGbIBw30wo?t=89 (sorry its in spanish I couldn't really find the original but I really had to share how it feels hahahaha)

That being said:

I feel really proud of myself, I mean my proportions are kind of a mess, but I feel it got a little bit better the more I drew.

I'm working bit by bit on my pride and perfectionism and DAB is helping me loads

Also I enjoyed the process so much!

Thank you as always for your time and hard work boss


PS: I probably forgot to write something but everything is mostly here hehehe)

ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-19 03:48

Thank you sensei!

I do tend to like drama but yeah my perfectionism plays a large part in how y perceive my drawings (or stop drawing altogether) I'll keep working on it.

As always thank so much for your feedback, specially this time it was eye opening, you are right, the forms feel more 3D "ish" and it might have to do with not doing something "pretty" for IG like the wasp or butterfly, but instead focusing on my construccion and communicating form (instead of just rendering for hours hahaha)

I'll do sausages warmups though, I think part of my squishing them is the "seeing in 2D and then pushing to 3D" part you mentioned.

Edit: I hit the send button without meaning to hehehe

ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-17 22:00

Hi Uncomfortable! I hope you are doing great, and as always thank you for your hard work :)

Ok! so down to business...this was hell...oh the frustration...the STRUGGLE, I really wanted to rage quit and throw everything away...

Long story short, got a job last December and had to take a break from drawing because I was getting out of the office at 8pm+ and didn't really have the strength do do much else (It was the first time in 4 years I worked full time in an office)

So yeah...my drawings suffered, my lines too, my self-esteem....

Also! I dropped Instagram for now, I'm too much of a perfectionist so social media is a no go for me, at least until I work on not caring so much (spending 3+ hours on a single insect when posting on IG....crazy). That's why the drawings are a bit looser this time I think (and yeah, the line-work and precision is terrible too but I really wanted to actually finish it)

And another thing, I actually started doing lesson 4 last year so I included those drawings in my submission (Just so I could cry at the loss of my hand control) and you might see a bit of a gap, mostly on the finished drawings because I published those on Instagram so I took HOURS on them.

Since I started the lesson from scratch I decided to focus more on finishing it as well as I could. I was so frustrated at the level drop and on the verge of quitting, that I feel a bit proud at not giving up and actually finishing lesson 4 even though my inner perfectionist bawls at not presenting something as good as I'd like to.

Aaaaaand here it is: https://imgur.com/a/4QzNhCX

It's all your to destroy please!

Thanks again!!!!

Edit: I almost forgot with all my whining but apart from the line-work and the lack of hand control (that I know I'll gradually recover) I most struggled with trying to draw without a general line of action (I feel lost without it) and putting on squished spheres on legs and stuff, and...yeah, I thinks that's about it :)

Oh and also, I don't know if it's just me but I really feel a bit awkward drawing with a 0.5 fineliner (Staedler) I hadn't before because surprisingly I couldn't find them o.o, I had to buy a whole case that included a 0.5....but after this lesson I 'm wondering if I should switch back to 0.4s after all...

ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-17 14:46

Oh! sorry about the range part, I guess I forgot, I'll keep it in mind from now on though, thanks for the demo and the feedback! I'll practice that a bit on the side to drill it in my head :D

ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-15 16:36

Hi Uncomfortable! Here's my lesson 3 I really have to work on drawing every day....I kind of get overwhelmed because I can't finish fast enough (I know I know, it's not a race), so I end up taking week long breaks because of frustration, shame on me.....anyways!!!!!! Hope I did a good work, I'm not as happy with it as the last lesson though.

As always, thanks for your time!

ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-07-30 20:59

Whoah!!! I can't believe it! I got a red square! I'm sooo happy!!!

Thank you sooo much, I really put a lot work into it and really enjoyed doing the textures, I mostly struggled with the straight lines and thinking the elipses...that's why they are just 1 pass, somehow when I drew around them twice or more in the warmups they came out normal, but when doing the actual homework my hand got so wobbly on the second pass, that it looked like an earthquake graph, same with the cylinders and boxes, so now I'm thinking that maybe it's not really the 5-month-hiatus, but that I get nervous because I like everything to be perfect? I don't know....but I definitely wasn't better before hahahahaha...I'm glad it came out so well though, really really thank you, I will also work on those tips a lot on my warm ups so I can get better hehehe

Thank you so much again for your great work!

ageofaurum in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-07-29 20:50

Hi!!!! It's been quite a while. My excuse? I moved overseas....I know I know, shame on me for not drawing anyways....trust me my muscles felt it, it was really hard to pick up again specially the boxes ughhhhh.

It's not nearly as good as I would've liked it to be, but at this point I just hope is good enough to move on hehehehehehe

Thanks as always for your hard work!

Here's lesson 2

ageofaurum in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-02-05 18:31

-does a happy dance- thank you so much, I'll move on then!

ageofaurum in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-02-04 00:58

I did it! I realized I struggle with repetitiveness, but I know it's for the best; I did take a couple of breaks because of work but also because sometimes I would start overthinking about the long road I have ahead of me before I can actually switch careers, not being good enough...yada yada.....so I would kind of give up and start procrastinating (I know, kill me, been dragging the issue since forever)

Onto the actual challenge (I had to get that off my chest) I didn't really see that big of an improvement, but it is there :)

250 box challenge

The linework got better the more boxes I drew (also I always do my warmups) still, even on the last few boxes my arm would sometimes just go kind of wacky and do a very wtf curve (I'm always drawing from the shoulder so I'm still figuring out what's wrong - I probably need more practice) also I started with 2 different pens (0.5 - 0.1) whoops...until I read the bit about subtlety on Discord (I thought I was just being fancy hehehe). Oh and there was a bit of a problem with me trying to fix some overshooting lines, making them thicker and kind of defeating the purpose of making the boxes look subtle, bad habit I got to fix (it's just my afraid-of-failure-syndrome)

So I started with a really crappy perspective, mostly because I thought I could remember everything in the boxes video without watching it again after a while, I was so wrong....so I watched it again, and my perspective got a looooot better. Since then I don't think I saw much of an improvement, except that it became easier to see the angles and thus I drew a bit faster.

Oh, and the new boxes video helped me a lot, the old one was really good, but I grabbed some very useful tips, so thank you!

I think that is all I'm able to see by myself, I hope it is good enough to pass \0/ this is actually a major milestone for me, since the first time I tried to do it at the beginning of 2017, I drew like 50 boxes and just left it for dead, so even if it's not the best assignment out there, I'm really proud of myself, and now I actually feel like I can actually finnish all the lessons.

Thank you for the amazing work you put on this project!