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aaylmao in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-01-21 00:22

Not bad. Your birds look fantastic, your big cats less so. By the time you hit the tigers, I think you were starting to get exhausted. Four legged animals are tough, and it doesn't look like you were taking any breaks. Don't practice when you're tired, it won't do you any good.

Yeah, work from before hit me pretty hard.

It does look like you're struggling with proportion, but you're slowly gaining ground in that battle. Keep observing your reference closely, and try to approximately measure the relationships of different parts of the animal's body (with your fingers, or that thumb-on-pencil trick that stereotypical artists use when drawing from life). Basically you want to measure the smaller object, and then see how many times that measurement fits into the larger one.

I'm going to do more research on that.

One thing I noticed is that you're not really constructing the head at all. You're blocking it in with a rough circle and that's about it. Often times there's much more going on than that. Take a look at this critique I did of someone else's animal drawing that I did a long time ago. Look at how the head starts off as a circle, then I drop in a sort of boxy shape for the length of the head.

Noted; I will try this approach.

Last of all, I think you need to draw bigger. If the head of your animal ends up being the size of the tip of your pinkie finger, there's no way you're getting any construction in there.

Yeah, I actually noticed this issue; it might actually be because I was too concerned wasting paper and also the fear to draw too big.

I'm still going to mark this lesson as complete, because your birds were quite well constructed, and for the most part I see a decent grasp of the general constructions of the body. I'm ignoring those godawful tigers.

Still, you do need to practice this more.

I'm definitely going to practice animals more, especially quadruped. For now, I'll take a break on those animals, but I try again in a week or so.

Anyway, like always, thanks for the critique!

aaylmao in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-01-20 22:15

Here's my HW:


Now, this one was tough; arguable harder than any of the previous lessons. Personally, I think it turned out to be terrible and not something that I'm fond of (first time drawing animals anyway). Also, what is your approach on getting the proportions correct? Anyway, I hope to get critique so I can learn to do better.

By the way, here's some of the reference I used:


aaylmao in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2015-01-16 00:52

Ease up on the contour lines, after a certain point they just become noisy and bothersome. A few are great, but covering everything isn't.

Consider outlining a shadow shape on the floor under your subject. It helps 'ground' them in a scene, rather than having them float around on the page. By shadow shape, I mean just the empty silhouette in line like these. Filling in the shadow would probably get too distracting.


Your proportions might need work though, so try to pay more attention to that when drawing.

Just curious though, which one specifically has bad proportions?

Also, thanks for the reply!

aaylmao in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2015-01-15 21:57

Here's my HW:


Personally, I like how #11 came out; I find it to have the most volume.

aaylmao in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-01-08 19:24

Here's my HW:


Forgive me if some are messy; I extensively used lay-ins and shapes to visualize the plants in 3D.

aaylmao in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-05 00:07

Following your advice, I have extended each shapes:


However, I've got to admit that doing so can make the intersection line harder to find, even after adding extra line weight on them.

aaylmao in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-04 22:27

Took me some time for this one; anyway, here's my HW:


Had some trouble with the intersection, but personally, I think it turned out alright. Oh, and happy new year too!

aaylmao in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-29 23:09

Well, that was fast; anyway, thanks for the reply! Will now move on to lesson 2.

Yeah, I will take a look if I can find 0.5mm ones.

aaylmao in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-29 21:53

Here's my HW:


I struggled in perspective, especially three point perspective, but I managed somehow. Also I kind of struggled adding line weight, since the pen has barely any line variation.

By the way, what brand of pigment liner are you using? Also, do you think 0.38mm ones are good enough? I'm planning to buy them in bulk, and the 0.38mm ones seem to be the cheapest at my local store.