Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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AAARRN in the post "25 Texture Challenge"

2018-09-16 15:57

Whohow thanks. I guess by already having done all the lessons this challenge became a bit easier. Onwards to the dreaded treasure chests and figure drawing.

AAARRN in the post "25 Texture Challenge"

2018-09-15 09:30

Hi there,

Finally got around to finishing this challenge and upload my work. The order got mixed up with uploading so the ones more at the end of the process are in the beginning. I made more than required because some were really bad or just not well approached.


AAARRN in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-06-03 15:38

Thank you for the wealthy feedback. I agree with all your points and I'll give the Vespa another shot. I think the principle of less is more is quite applicable in how I need to apply shadow.

I'm very much looking forward to the new lessons you are making. For now there are still the treasure chest and texture challenges that I can do. I also started following the proko figure drawing courses. It has an assignment quite similar as lesson 6 which gives me a head start.

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-06-01 08:58


Well this took way longer than expected.

I took vehicles I observed in my neighbourhood and at a show as references. Going out was more fun than grinding google for references.

Partly why it took so long was because of the ellips template. The ones they had at my local art and supply store were quite expensive and the shipping costs online were quite high. Luckily I have access to a laser cutter so I made my own one in clear acrylic. Still took quite a bit of work and time but it was fun to do and now I have all the angles and sizes.

Because of the waiting with the ellips template I started out with some planes. I figured ellipses weren't very needed here. I was quite mistaken when it came to wheels and propellers. In general I'm not too happy with my planes (have more lying around), but I learned a lot from it. The more boxier vehicles seemed to go much smoother. Finally having the ellips template also did wonders. The hardest part was usually transitioning from the scaffolding to the definitive design. Followed up by adding some shadow and weight to it. I know I added too much black ink in some pieces, but it made realise how much is needed and that there is difference between black and shadow.

I also added an unfinished construction of a Vespa motorcycle. It was making too many mistakes which made it disappear in its own scaffolding. Maybe if you want you can give me some tips on how to approach this better.

It was very fun to do and I still feel inspired to draw many more vehicles. But for the sake of meeting personal deadlines I show you what I have now. I hope you enjoy them and I'm looking forward for your critique

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-05-08 19:19

Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! Reading it makes me blush.

I think what helped me immensely in this homework is that I used real life objects instead of pictures. That and deliberately doing extra till I felt confident enough at it.

I already started the next lesson which is another step up in difficulty. By reading your encouraging words I'm excited to keep at it. Thank you!

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-05-06 20:34

It took me way longer than the supposed 8 hours but I got there. Like all the lessons the struggle was real in the beginning, but I think I got the hang of it at the end. The only thing I feel is missing is a proper way to finish the drawings to make them more clear.


AAARRN in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-04-08 15:33

Massive thanks for the critique and notes. I'll will work on my approach for fur in the future. Today I noticed that the lesson in general really worked. I tried to draw a dog irl and immediately knew how to approach it and construct it quickly and properly.

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-04-01 17:11

Here I am again! I have done some extra pages by now. The small break allowed me to experiment a little with other things, so I got the motivation to start hammering away again.


AAARRN in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-03-21 12:37

Ah I see. No problem. I will post it in April then!

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-03-20 20:28

I think I finished it. If i isn't enough to draw more please let me know.


In the beginning it was struggle to get the placement of the body parts right. Usually I misjudged the position of the head which led me to reposition it or just start all over again. At the end I managed to position it more correctly at the first attempt.

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-03-20 19:51

Read this a couple of days ago but still wanted to thank you for the awesome feedback. It has helped me a lot with lesson 5 so far.

I feel that I'm finally starting to get it in terms of mass. Which was one of te bad habits you noticed in the beginning and I can see now how it was holding me back. It's about being really deliberate with every line I put down and not just draw a 2D approximation, which are more shapes. The notes are invaluable!

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-03-13 14:16

Hi there. I finished my homework for lesson 4 and would like to receive your critique on it. Largely finished these drawing a while ago but with your advice on lesson 3 I went over a few again and made some more.

In the beginning I was struggling with textures and hatching, but I think I got somewhere at the end. A brush and a pot of ink helped me out a lot here. Something I'm still struggling with are the wings the bugs. I tried to solve it in different ways, but I'm still not enterly convinced.


AAARRN in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-03-07 18:40

Thank you for the really in depth advice. I think my tendency to hatch is a (bad) habit formed from live drawing classes during my architecture school years. It's starting to click now how it al relates to each other in terms form, construction, shadow and texture.

Also big thanks for the brush pen tip. Extremely useful and time saving!

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-03-05 21:15

Thanks for the critique! I will start by approaching the ellipses more delicate from now on. I'm pretty used to drawing fast all the time, so slowing down a little might help.

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-03-05 21:10


Hi there. Here is my homework for lesson 3. Wat I feel I'm strugglling most at is balancing shade vs texture somehow. With plants it becomes quite complicated all of te sudden.

AAARRN in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-03-03 13:13

homework lesson 2

The intersecting volumes where hard but tried to manage. It was a fun lesson.

AAARRN in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-03-03 07:52

Thanks for the critique and kind words. I missed out somewhere on how to use the box properly I see. Will work on that!

AAARRN in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-03-02 15:38


Here are my 250 cylinders! I tried re-uploading with correct page orientation but Imgur is overloaded at the moment. I hope it doesn't bother your.

AAARRN in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-02-28 13:49

My 250 boxes are done. Already did it several weeks ago but didn't correct it properly. Went at it again and drew 30 more because the first page was really lazy.