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_zionus_ in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-13 02:12

Ok, so I redid the Rough Perspective boxes. I took more time to ghost through the motions and figure out my lines. I notice that sometimes, I kinda forget to do that and let the motions go forward, but that is not common. Another problem I notice myself having is that when trying to plot the line from a long distance away from the vanishing point, I have trouble actually imagining the line and it becomes harder to draw. I also have trouble drawing at very low angles, like when trying to draw the tops or bottoms of the boxes, depending on its position to the vanishing point.

Lastly, this may just be my unsteady hand, trying to work itself out and build the muscle memory and steadiness of drawing, but sometimes Ill be drawing a straight line and then it will just dart off at an angle, like I slipped. I don't think this is my brain trying to autocorrect cause its so far off. Maybe I'm just pushing too hard on the pen.

Anyways, here: http://imgur.com/a/2nxSl this is my second attempt.

_zionus_ in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-12 03:13

Thank you. I will get on that when I begin my next practice session. I have a question though: I have asked other people and friends who do artistic stuff, either drawing or painting or whatever. I asked them if I should devote my time to doing the practice and avoid doing my own drawings and sketching for fun, just incase it will taint my experience. They said no, I should continue drawing for fun as well as do the lessons and practice. I know it may seem like a silly thing to ask, but I was wondering how you weigh in on this. If im learning, should I focus on my lessons and practice, or can I draw for fun after I practice?

_zionus_ in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-11 20:37

Hello, I'm new to Drawabox and have been on and off drawing for years now. I initially tried just learning by practicing gestures every day, but after a brief encounter with /ic/, some folks told me I'm trying for something too difficult at my level. So looking around, I found some links and resources and among them was this site. I like drawabox becuase it clearly sets out the goals and even gives me exercises and a way to get it critiqued by the author, which I love. The biggest thing I always felt I needed was proper feedback, which is actually hard to come by.

Anyways, on to the lesson: http://imgur.com/a/F4HPf Here is my attempt at lesson 1. I know its nowhere near good (actually its probably pretty awful) and I have alot of work to do, but I felt that posting it here and getting a direction on where to go, rather than retrying the assignment over and over again aimlessly is better.