Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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4269745368696674 in the post "Drawabox, /r/ArtFundamentals and Reddit going forward. My plans for the future, and the chance to include you lot in on the discussion."

2018-05-12 17:15

I started drawabox in 2014, and it first got me into drawing after having 0 prior experience. While I took long breaks since, I've recently got back into it, and I've met tons of new friends from my new hobby. No matter where the community goes, drawabox will always be a really huge help to all artists.

4269745368696674 in the post "A few problems I see frequently from students that get in the way of really selling the illusion that our drawings exist in three dimensional space, rather than being limited to the 2D space of the page"

2017-05-30 10:08

I feel that these problems stem from the fact that they're not taught or highlighted enough. The arrows wrapping in space for example; B follows perspective while A does not. A beginner would most likely not think to apply perspective to that task, which is why there is limited depth.

For the rest, line weight/quality is crucial, perhaps there should be more mention of its importance on selling the idea of form? Regarding the fruit at the bottom: while A is less dynamic, even better line weight/quality would fix the majority of issues with it.

4269745368696674 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-08-23 18:20

I've got a quick question regarding the page of leaves. Is it expected to use reference to draw the leaves, or are we to completely construct them from imagination?

I know I haven't submitted any work for previous lessons, I've been going through them with a couple of art friends and critiquing along side them instead.