Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

What happened to these lessons ?


2022-12-29 03:57


Are they permanently removed ?


2022-12-29 22:25

Those were removed many, many years ago. I expanded into figure drawing because it seemed like the logical next step after finishing the core lesson material, as generally creating new content and tackling new things makes more sense in terms of generating revenue as a free resource.

I later realized this was a mistake, and instead decides to focus on revising, improving, and solidifying the core material based on what I'd learned from explaining it over and over across thousands of rounds of critiques I was offering to students.

The short of it is that Drawabox's goal is to do one thing really well, and not to be a one stop shop for everything.


2022-12-30 00:27

Thanks ! Good to know ! Thought there was some secret easter egg lessons unlocked only by a chosen few !