Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Should overhand grip be practiced?


2022-12-27 13:47


I noticed its not used much but many artists do it


2022-12-27 18:52

As mentioned by AutoModerator, this subreddit is limited to questions relating specifically to the structured lessons on drawabox.com.

That said, the grip one uses depends heavily on the tools they're using. You'll often see overhand when dealing with pencils and charcoal (especially in the context of figure drawing), as well as in a lot of approaches to painting (especially when dealing with a more upright canvas).

There are a lot of situations where it's not necessary, but getting familiar with it can have a lot of benefits that aren't immediately obvious - it helps us learn to use our whole arm while drawing, and it also ensures that we don't just default to using a single type of grip regardless of what tool we use.

I'd recommend students expose themselves to working with an overhand grip even if they plan on using tools that don't require it - such as digital media. I myself work almost exclusively digitally, but the exposure I've had while learning to working overhand with pencils/charcoal, figure drawing on paper, etc. has helped a great deal in expanding my horizons, which in turn funnels back into helping me push the boundaries of what I'm willing to do when working digitally.