Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Can't I just start with figure drawing?


2022-12-26 10:50


Hi, I've started doing drawabox a long long time ago and it's really great! I just got really overwhelmed.

I stopped doing it 7 months ago because the lesson got way too frustrating so I stopped drawing overall for those 7 months. I started with Drawabox because Uncomfortable said that it is meant to be a starting point to not get confused in subjects like figure drawing.

I did expect the Drawabox course to be a lot and frustrating at times. I continued it this time but I really couldn't enjoy it and I questioned a few times if doing this course was actually necessary.

This course is filled with knowledge and I recommend it to everyone! but I'd like to ask: Do I really need to do all this before I can do other things?


2022-12-26 14:15

While Drawabox is designed to help students develop the underlying skills that make learning the more advanced concepts easier, I actually do say upfront and center (specifically in this video from Lesson 0) that you should feel free to jump into whatever other topics interest you, as long as you accept that it's going to be more difficult as your spatial reasoning skills catch up. The focus simply being on not having crazy expectations and disappointing yourself by not meeting them.


2022-12-26 16:21

Thanks for replying! I actually rewatched those introduction videos right after I posted this to answer the question on my own. I've figured that it'd be better to keep learning from Drawabox and also from another course alongside it to improve on my fundamentals while practicing them on different subject areas as well. I guess I did have expectations hindering me, and I'll definitely be keeping that in check.

Later realized that it was also my mistake of not following the 50% rule which could've helped me get over the overwhelming stuff. And Thank you for this incredibly developed course, Uncomfortable! Will absolutely finish it and show my thanks.


2022-12-27 14:27

And remember, you're not Picasso yet. One of the hardest things I had to learn was that not everything I draw will be perfect. Just draw frequently, learn the proper techniques and one day you'll notice your art is looking pretty darn good.


2022-12-27 15:56

Hahah I guess so! Thanks for this, for some reason.. it invigorated me lol. I'll make sure to be real good at this. Best of luck to us!


2022-12-26 20:43

a way I got past the frustrating part was I would have dirty pages where I would loosen up and just focus on getting a few of the boxes right otherwise you can become too careful and nervous to put down lines.


2022-12-27 02:19

Thanks! I do some line exercises to warm up to avoid being too nervous about putting down lines. Kind of the same as yours. It's really the meticulous and repetitive work that gets frustrating for me. I got so stuck on textures last time but I think that's because I forgot to "play". Thanks for the tip! I'd loosen up too.


2022-12-26 21:10

You dont HAVE to learn in any particular way or order, if you want to dive straight into figure drawing I suggest https://www.lovelifedrawing.com they have a good community and YouTube channel aswell as a library of figure drawing poses for you to get started on.


2022-12-27 02:03

True, there's no real requirement to follow a structure. But I guess it'd be better if we want to have proper development. I'll finish through drawabox since I still need the spatial reasoning skills. Thank you for your recommendation :) I'll check it out. I'm doing proko's course and some others as well! would love to join another community. Thanks!