Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Part Three: The Human Figure


2022-12-14 18:19


Hi u/Uncomfortable!

First of all, thank you for your work, the amazing website and all the materials that you make! This course gave me the confidence to pick up a pen and draw every day. Something I was afraid to do before. Thank you!

I just started lesson 3, and in the introduction video I saw that in the past, Drawabox had a part 3. Lessons 8 to 13 explored human figure drawing. This is a topic that I am very interested in and which I plan to study after finishing all the available lessons. However, it is a very complex topic, so even now when I'm only researching it, it's very difficult to understand how someone without a professional education would approach this topic.

Are you planning on returning them to Drawabox in the future or perhaps there's an archived version of those lessons that you could share? If the answers are "No", where would you suggest starting a journey to figure drawing?


2022-12-14 18:53

Those are from a long time ago, when I wasn't sure how I wanted to develop this course, and what its core focus was. At the time, I was merely regurgitating what I had learned, and since then, I've restructured the course to play a very specific role - not to be a one stop shop, but rather to introduce students to the core principles that would help them make the use of the other resources out there. That is, mainly developing their understanding of 3D space, something that is generally overlooked.

You'll find recommendations for figure drawing below this section from Lesson 0. You can also check out Proko on YouTube, and Brent Eviston on skillshare.


2022-12-14 20:07

Thank you for your answer!