Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

what is the best way to improve my concepts?


2022-12-14 16:29


I do illustration and concept art, however, I feel that somehow I have stagnated my art when it comes to technical quality. Should I continue studies like shapes, lines, composition or would I have to go back to other fundamentals?


2022-12-14 18:57

While AutoModerator has explained why this question is a better fit for some of the other communities they mentioned, I often find that stagnation can come from not having a complete understanding of what it is one is attempting to pursue. This can cause them to have unclear, more generalized goals, which can leave us unsure of what to tackle next.

So, a question. You mention that you do illustration and concept art - can you explain what each entails in your estimation, and what distinguishes them from each other?