Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I want to create art but dont know where to start.


2022-11-23 20:26


For as long as Ive remembered Ive always wanted to create stuff. Drawings, movies, music, pottery, you name it. Its like I get these really clear pictures in my mind but when I try to describe them in words it always fails and when I turn to pen and paper the results dont match my intention.


2022-11-23 22:50

While AutoMod explained that this subreddit has a specific focus, and listed a few other communities where you can ask about this. That said, in regards to the point about the images you can see in your mind, which you can't reproduce on the page, I do have something extra to add for that.

I have a condition known as aphantasia - which is essentially the opposite. I can't see anything in my "mind's eye". The obvious conclusion to draw is that I'm not suited to be an artist, but the truth of the matter is that what you can see in your mind's eye is not as relevant as most are inclined to believe.

Rather, what you see in your mind's eye is still drawing on the same information any other person would have - that is, what you're seeing is based on only enough information to identify those things, but actually drawing and reproducing them on a page requires vastly more detail. It's why a person working from reference may still struggle a great deal if they're working with an extremely low resolution image. It's enough to identify what we're looking at, but we get virtually nothing specific enough to really understand it in specific terms.

Where I may appear to be at a disadvantage, in my experience it is actually those in your camp who have the greater disadvantage - at least towards the beginning. Where I am faced with no additional expectations of what I should or should not be able to draw (given that my mind's eye is blank), I can see the fact that there's no reason I should be able to draw anything without prior training/practice/learning clearly, whereas in your case it would be obscured.

So, to put it simply - you're not going to get it for free. Learning to draw takes time, requires the development of skills you currently do not have, but that one day you can.

I've got a video that I created for the Proko YouTube channel on aphantasia here. While it speaks specifically about something you don't have, in discussing it I believe the video provides value to those on either end of that spectrum, and helps to frame it in a more realistic fashion without false expectation.