Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I have never drawn in my life and I usually get pissed off while trying as I am not good at it and don't have the patience, I would like to start drawing and making art but I don't know how to start, any recommendations/advices ? Please and thank you


2022-10-31 23:02



2022-11-01 20:41

While AutoModerator did cover that questions that aren't related specifically to the lessons on drawabox.com are better suited to the other communities listed in its reply, I did want to mention that drawabox may be of interest to you, as it's a free course that explores the core fundamentals of drawing. That said, asking in those other communities is advised as it'll get you a wider range of recommendations than those you'd find here.


2022-11-06 17:07

Appreciate you, thanks alot