Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Group to push each other during the DAB journey


2022-10-10 17:39


Hi, folks.

So I was thinking that one thing that realy makes difficult to stick with a habit is going through the process alone, without anyone to share frustations and victories. For that reason I decided to create a discord group for anyone that is starting this journey share their doubts and knowledge. So if you are in lesson 0 or just started lesson 1 (I currently reading this one) and would like to participate, comment below that I will send the link.


2022-10-10 17:44

You might want to reach out to this person, rather than creating a new one.

In general I'm weary about ending up with a lot of independent people advertising fragmented Discord communities on this subreddit. I let the one I linked above through as the existing Drawabox discord is very large, and so I can understand people wanting a smaller group - but I'm weary of ending up in a situation where many such servers end up being created and advertised here individually.

As such, I'm at least for the time being not going to be approving other posts of this nature.


2022-10-10 17:47

Thanks! I will look this one. I totally get it.