Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

help identify this art medium, what would you guess this is drawn with, my guess is color pencil, but I'm being told something different and I need serious opinions, I won't reveal what it's said to be immediately so I can keep opinions unbiased, thank you


2022-10-05 19:29



2022-10-05 19:33

While AutoMod explained why this post isn't a fit for this subreddit, I figured I'd just throw in my two cents and say I agree with your guess. Looks like coloured pencil to me, with the red area being layered quite heavily, and the greys/blacks being more lightly applied with fewer passes.


2022-10-05 19:40

Thank you, I came across an artist with many great pieces all claiming to be pure ballpoint pen, and I disagreed and asked for live sample, promising an apology if I was wrong but no one will even entertain the idea I might be right and think I'm an asshole for even asking


2022-10-05 19:46

Honestly you'd be surprised at how similar ballpoint pen and coloured pencil can appear, and the sheer depth of colour one can achieve with it. I myself refer to ballpoint as the "pencil of the ink world" due to its similarities in characteristics, and how it builds up- though mainly in the context of students asking about what tools to use in the course this subreddit is built around.

Take a look at this one for instance. Here I think it's a bit more obvious that it's ballpoint, but you can definitely see that it can seem quite similar to coloured pencils. Hell, the technique of layering is the same as well.

I don't think you should feel bad for not believing them, although I can certainly see people getting defensive when accused of lying. Better to express that doubt in a positive manner, something along the lines of "is that really ballpoint? I've never seen it used that way, looks a lot like coloured pencil". Doesn't come out with an accusation, but it leaves the door open for the artist to help you understand how they achieved the result, if they have the time to spare.


2022-10-05 19:41

Where would I post this to get a good unbiased opinion poll


2022-10-05 19:55

I feel you on that, but I like to be blunt and to the point , and I don't agree with taking away from one medium by claiming another , also I clearly stated that it was my opinion, and if I was wrong I would publicly apologise in any way that was required, I can accept being wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm right, I've been doing art for 40 yrs, and ballpoint tho versatile has characteristics that are universal dispite the the technique, like uniform width of line strokes unless stacked and clear edges of lines, but you even saw what I saw in the red bleeding inconsistently along the edge, and the lines are all different widths, inconsistent with the single width of a ballpoint, thx for helping me even if it's just for my piece of mind alone