Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

should I draw boxes using the Y method or can I use something else? and if I need to use the Y method how do I make sure the proportions are what I Want?


2022-09-07 16:01



2022-09-07 17:47

Assuming your question is in the context of the 250 box challenge (initially wrote 50% rule here, must have had a serious brain fart), yes - you should use the Y method throughout the challenge, as it puts the focus entirely on how our sets of parallel edges converge together consistently when drawn on a flat page. As to proportion, the box challenge does not ask students to draw boxes that maintain any specific proportions - this is a more complex topic that we start touching on much later in the 250 cylinder challenge (which students generally should do after Lesson 5) and beyond.


2022-09-08 04:58

So I shouldn't care if it looks abit weird as long as the lines are converging properly.


2022-09-08 16:16
