Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Is copying other art okay for the 50% rule?


2022-09-07 09:52


I find it easier and more comforting if I can just look at an image and copy it, but I am not sure if I actually learn things from it? Having a blank page not knowing what to draw, if I draw something it turns out horrible and feels like a time waste.


2022-09-07 17:46

In this video from Lesson 0, when I'm talking about style, I do discuss 'master studies' which are effectively attempting to learn from an existing piece of artwork by reproducing it. These will often focus on understanding the artist's choices - that is, how they're translating the real things they're trying to depict into the particular stylization they use. So for example, which colours they emphasize, which ones they play down, what they emphasize/reduce in shape, etc.

As with any study however, it helps a lot to do this in a targeted fashion, being aware of what it is you're specifically trying to understand about the original artist's choices.

That said, it is a study - and so it would not fall into the "play" side of the 50% rule. By your own admission, you're asking about doing this because you find it easier and more comforting - the purpose of the 50% rule is to force students out of their comfort zone, to try the things that they're going to have turn out badly, and to get used to the idea that having something not come out as you intended is a matter of course, and not something to take personally.

Generally speaking if you find yourself wanting to draw something because it helps you avoid or reduce the fear of things coming out badly, then it's probably not in line with the spirit of the rule.


2022-09-07 17:58

Thank you uncomfortable, I suppose I'll just put something on paper from my head. try to overcome the frustration and fear.


2022-09-07 18:11

It's a tough one, but keep at it and it'll get easier.

Also, it seems in my rush to do a million things at once, I forgot to include the link to the video in my previous reply. I've edited it, but just in case here it is.


2022-09-22 16:47

So here's what I've settled on for the 50% rule, cause I'd be like, "Okay, I want to draw a car, or a person, or a potion bottle, whatever, but I suddenly have no idea what those things look like!! Ack!!!!!"

On 50% rule days, I warm up for 10-20 min by finding some reference and sketching 1-3 of those things--not pretty, just enough to figure out the basic elements ("riiiiiiight, that's what a cat's nose looks like" or whatever). Then I close the reference, turn the page, and try to draw something similar, but not the same.

So if you warmed up drawing cats, draw one from imagination in a different pose, or from a different angle, or with something fanciful like wings. Try to put it in an environment, even a simple one, like on top of a brick wall.

You'll focus better to understand the reference (rather than thoughtlessly copy) if you know that in 15 minutes, you'll take the training wheels off and draw a different version of that thing, without reference. And it's okay if it turns out horrible!