Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

An attempt at doing the superimposed lines


2022-08-31 21:50



2022-08-31 21:51

Also I know I was supposed to be doing two but I just thought one was enough


2022-08-31 21:52

I noticed that this was your second submission consisting of a single exercise - which suggests to me that you may not have read the AutoModerator comment in your first one.

This subreddit doesn't allow single exercises or partial work, as explained here, and as mentioned in this video from Lesson 0. You can however get feedback on individual exercises on the discord chat server, and the folks there would be happy to help you out. For the subreddit, we're pushing students to post complete lesson work.


2022-08-31 21:55

Ooohhh I see I see sorry bro


2022-08-31 21:55

I can delete it if you want


2022-08-31 21:56

No worries, I've already removed the post.