Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Question about homework


2022-08-12 16:09


I'm not sure if I just missed something on the website, but I was wondering something about the homework portion of the lessons (I just began lesson 1, for reference). Should we continually do the homework every day until we think that we have sufficient understanding and mastery, or just do it once or a couple of times? Not sure if this is just a stupid question but I wanted to make sure before I continued onward.


2022-08-12 17:32

This is indeed addressed on this page of Lesson 0. The use of those exercises going forwards as part of a warmup routine is addressed further down the page, though the video at the top goes through it and other important points in more detail.

Lesson 0 is an extremely important primer for how this course is intended to be used, so be sure to go through it in its entirety.


2022-08-12 19:39

Alright, thanks for the clarification!