Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

250 Box Challenge No Parallel reminder


2022-08-08 19:42


I've been doing the 250 box challenge (currently on box 100) and reread the section pertaining to this challenge (the link being here: Drawabox.com | Challenges and Drills | 250 Box Challenge | The Challenge ). While rereading it I ran into this part:

This doesn't make any sense because if your lines are not parallel then how do you make a box (I guess you could if a box is extremely foreshortened, but I thought we were supposed to avoid that sort of thing)?

I'm sure I'm being dumb, but can anyone explain this in another way so that I can understand it?


2022-08-08 19:47

The distinction falls between whether we're thinking about that which exists in 3D space (where we've got 3 sets of 4 edges, where the edges of each set are parallel to one another), and whether we're talking about the lines we draw on the 2D page to represent those edges.

Remember, a set of edges that are parallel in 3D are represented by lines in 2D that converge.

What that reminder is telling you is to ensure that when you draw your lines on the page, think about how you're having them converge - don't just draw them parallel on the page, forcing your vanishing points to infinity.


2022-08-08 20:13

Okay, thanks for the clarification!