Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I can't find a conclusion article on the site


2022-08-06 02:49


I was hoping to find some closing thoughts with guidance for where to go next when you're finished with the course. But the last thing seems to be the airplane demo. I can't find anything on Uncomfortable's YouTube channel either. Am I blind or is there really no conclusion?


2022-08-06 17:30

Ultimately what one does after finishing the course is entirely dependent on what it is the individual is interested in doing. While the core fundamentals we cover in Drawabox mark the base upon which the rest of one's skillset will be built (regardless of what that skillset is, as long as it pertains to representational drawing), what people go on to do can be quite varied. Some people want to create still illustrations, others are more interested in designing characters, environments, props, or vehicles. Yet more are interested in sequential art (comics, graphic novels), and others will be more interested in animation. So there would not be any sort of one-size-fits-all "next steps" after completing this course.

That said, I do touch on the fact that students should be engaging in producing the kinds of things that interest them from the very beginning, despite not having the skills to do any of it well. This is a big focus in Lesson 0, especially in the first three videos (What is Drawabox, What are the Fundamentals and Changing your Mindset and the 50% Rule). It's this exposure to the things you'd like to do as your end goal that dictates what you will need to learn to get there.


2022-08-06 22:02

I see. Thanks for the response!