Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

one point perspective question


2022-08-04 21:56


I was wondering if it us ok to use one point perspective where the horizontal is at the bottom of the page, as opposed to the middle of the page? I know one point is not ideal when not placed in the center of the horizontal, but I'm wondering if that applies to the whole horizontal


2022-08-04 22:20

Yup, that's fine. Using one vanishing point for the entire scene is actually already an approximation, and as the objects in the scene drift away from the vanishing point, we end up stretching the nature of that approximation more and more - eventually getting to a point where it no longer really looks right. So it's already a concern, regardless of whether we center our horizon or vanishing point.

More importantly however, it's actually not a great idea on the compositional side of things to center your horizon - it tends to lead to rather boring, sterile compositions with an equal proportion of the scene above and below the horizon. Instead, pushing it further up or further down can help to make a scene more dynamic. So, it's done quite frequently, and isn't something you need to worry about.