Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

On ink consumption during 250 Box Challenge PART I


2022-08-04 14:43


First allow me to standardise a unit to make the following maths more digestible.

Let a BL unit represent the length of some arbitrary Black Line drawn in the construction of a box in the challenge.

A single box consists of 3 sets of lines, each set converging to its own vanishing point. These are drawn in black ink as per the instructions. Giving:

3 × 4 = 12 BL units

Also recall that we add extra line weight to our 6 outermost marks to better convey the form of our boxes. This means 2 black lines per set are emphasised hence we can add 2 × 3 = 6 lines

Resulting in 18 BL units for the initial construction of our boxes

Now allow me to introduce a new unit: the CL unit is equivalent in length to our BL but represents a Colorful Line employed to check our convergences.

Let's assume our colourful lines extend 3 times as far as our initial lines. If we are frugal we will avoid drawing over our black line so for each black line we draw twice the length in colour giving:

2*12 = 24 CL units

So all in 1 box consumes 18BL and 24CL units of ink. Multiplying this by 250 gives 4500BL and 6000CL units of ink for the entire challenge.

Also recall the course recommends a 0.5mm fineliner pen is employed for this challenge. This will help us with calculations down the road. But first:

A squid is a mollusc with an elongated soft body, large eyes, eight arms and 2 tentacles. Squids can be eaten and also harvested for ink.

I think you see where this is going..

I would like to determine how many squids worth of ink the DrawABox community has expended in completing this challenge.

And no, writing this up has nothing to do with me procrastinating the challenge. I swear.


2022-08-04 16:30

<__< amusing as this is, we do have to be pretty strict in keeping the subreddit limited to homework submissions and lesson-related questions, simply because it's pretty tough for students to get eyes on their work already. So unfortunately your squid puzzle will have to remain a mystery! Sorry about that.