Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Official Critique Question


2022-07-21 18:18


Hi all,

I had a quick question regarding official critiques. I'm not sure this is the right place to ask.

After we submit our homework for the paid critique, if we get asked to re-do an assignment and to reply with the revision, do we need to wait the 14 days before doing so? Or is that only for submitting new homework assignments?

Just a bit confused on that. Thank you.


2022-07-21 19:10

The 14 day cooldown applies to the submission of your next separate lesson or challenge. Revisions are included as part of the current critique, and so revisions are free (or rather, covered as part of the original credit cost - though within reason, as all things have their limits) and are not subject to any kind of cooldown. That said, we just ask that students take their time in absorbing the feedback, revisiting the material and in doing the assigned revisions so as to give themselves the best chance of executing that work correctly and reduce the chances of further revisions being assigned.