Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Draw a Box 50 50 rule.


2022-07-19 18:27


I have been trying to do the 50/50 rule. At first I was worried about what to draw so I watched the blank page video again and planned to fill at least one page with any random stuff that came to my mind. There is one more question pops up whenever anyone talks about the 50/50 . Can I use reference? I think I kinda figured a solution for my case. First few times I didn't use any reference as per  uncomfortable's suggestion.  Something clicked while I was trying to do this drawing.  Here i am trying to draw a lady who is sitting while crossing her legs. Now I don't know how to draw cross legs. So I asked my cousin to sit with his legs  crossed( He said it was uncomfortable and now i owe him a burger)and took a picture.  As I am drawing a female I just tried took the basic gesture.  How one legs is place over the other..

My main point of this is I guess, Use a reference to learn something.  Not copy. I didn't copy this female character seating in this chair from the Internet.  I used a reference for sofa one for my character. And rest I filled up with whatever that came to my mind. Uncomfortable already explained this. But I thought maybe a example could clear up something. Enjoy my drawing I guess. Lol. Any questions you have. I'll try to answer them. But pretty sure the video explained it better. I just wanted to give you guys a case scenario. How is someone like me doing it.

If this helps you please let me know. I would be grateful if this was any use to you. Also let me know if all my understanding was wrong and this is stupid lol.

My art: https://imgur.com/a/r6oG7cI


2022-07-19 18:54

What you described - using a piece of reference to solve a specific problem or address a certain uncertainty, rather than copying the entirety of that reference - is entirely okay. It is essentially the same thing I was doing in my example of the woman riding a tiger through a market, where I used different pieces of reference for different elements, not copying them directly but rather helping them inform my choices.

So, to be clear, your use of reference in that manner is fine for the 50% rule.


2022-07-19 21:47

Thank you so much. I know you have clearly explained in the video. But it was a bit difficult at first for me to to understand when to use a reference or not . After a bit of practice I think I kinda understand not to be influenced by the reference but use it for specific uses.