Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Starting the 250 box challenge, off to a good start?


2022-07-12 16:44



2022-07-12 17:52

This subreddit doesn't allow single exercises or partial work, as explained here, and as mentioned in this video from Lesson 0. You can however get feedback on individual exercises on the discord chat server, and the folks there would be happy to help you out. For the subreddit, we're pushing students to post complete lesson work.

That said, so far so good.


2022-07-12 21:02

Cool, thank you! I have the rest of the lesson, but I just wanted to double check this before doing the rest of the boxes. Will check out the discord.

Btw, this is the most incredible drawing tutorial I have ever seen. So detailed and filled with fantastic information, been telling my friends (and whoever else will listen ) about it all week! Thanks for providing such an incredible resource for free!