Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Unintentionally executing marks from elbow


2022-07-09 13:45


Hey everyone, I am currently in lesson 1 doing the ghosted planes exercise, and as the title says, I am unintentionally executing my marks from the elbow, even though I am consciously ghosting every mark using my shoulder.

This is getting frustrating for me, any help would be much appreciated.


2022-07-09 15:40

You are aware of it!!

Work with the desired form everytime you catch yourself doing the undesired one.. I mean you already know it, maybe you need encouragement.

You can do it!


2022-07-10 13:09

This put a smile on my face, thanks for the kind words :)


2022-07-09 19:18

Doesn't that happen when you draw on a small surface area?


2022-07-10 13:15

My desk does get cramped making the area I have for drawing smaller, do you think that affects much?


2022-07-10 13:43

Yes, but what about the paper/tablet you're drawing on? Is it small?


2022-07-10 14:01

I use A4 paper


2022-07-10 14:13

Use something like 18 x 24 paper with a easel. It will force you to use larger movements(your arm) without cramping up while drawing.


2022-07-10 05:21

Dont think about it too much. As long as you arent relying on the wrist and executing confidently, you are fine. Feng Zhu draws mainly from the elbow, others use more shoulder. I use both depending on the surface area needed. Just be conscious about each mark you are making at first. If you need elbow movement, think elbow. If you want shoulder movement, think shoulder. Just keep struggling through it


2022-07-10 13:13

Alright I won't overthink this. With enough practice I should be able to control which joint I use, thanks for the advice man!


2022-07-10 23:46

I should point out that /u/gooseberry123's advice is more general - not specific to the Drawabox course that we're going through here. Drawabox pushes students to draw from their shoulder (it's expected you'll slip up here and there, but catching yourself and correcting the behaviour each time is part of the process) to help build comfort with drawing with your whole arm.

In general, drawing with whatever pivot you like is a-okay - but as explained here, the course has its own specific intent that goes hand in hand with the curriculum as a whole.

As this subreddit is of course part of the larger reddit community, it is not entirely uncommon for folks to pop in and provide answers without necessarily knowing about the course itself. They absolutely mean well, but the advice can be in a more general context.


2022-07-11 07:20

It's the man the myth the legend Uncomfortable himself!

Understood, it's reassuring to know that what's happening to me is normal, hopefully my shoulder registers the commands I give it.

and I'll be more careful with the advice I get in general.