Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Not interested to became an artist


2022-07-08 12:41



As the title say I am not interested to became an artist, at least right now, but my idea is to improve my marking in order to do decent drawing for my Youtube videos.

Thery are comedy sketch and I need to draw decently. The question is, I have 3-4 months of time, since I will draw digitally can I just started in this way?

I read the required/recommended tools section and the answer is no, but is it so bad, since I am not looking forward to became an artist.


2022-07-08 16:07

What Drawabox teaches is not the production of art, or how to be an artist. It teaches a concrete skill - drawing - which is a tool that is indeed used in "art" but also as a tool for communication, and to produce all kinds of things that may not have any "artistic" intent.

The resources on the drawabox website are there for free, without limitation, and you can use them in whatever way you wish. The only restrictions that arise are for those looking to submit their homework for official, paid critique, because imposing those restrictions is the only way we can offer that service.

That said, if your goal is to learn to "draw decently", then your goal is not any different from the other people going through this course. So it would be a mistake to try and set apart your circumstance. All of the recommendations and suggestions of how the course should be used, therefore, do apply to you. Whether you follow them is your business, but they are there to help students make the best of these resources, and so going through the work digitally and attempting to squeeze it all into a very limited 3-4 month timeline will undermine what you get out of the course.

That said, as far as the timeline goes, plenty of students tackle this course and don't finish. That's not a bad thing - the course is not all or nothing, you gain things every step of the way. So I would say that it would be more beneficial for you to go through the course, investing as much time as you require to do everything to the best of your ability without rushing to try and finish it all in 3-4 months. After those three or four months have passed, you will probably not be close to finishing the course, but you will have grown and developed a fair bit (depending on how closely you follow those instructions, anyway).

Conversely, if you try to rush through it and pack it all into that limited timeline, it's more likely that you'll walk away with a lot less to show for it.


2022-07-08 21:10

Hey thanks for the answer. So I'll buy the printer paper and the fineliners. =)

Anyway since I should do practise also digitally for the project, can I also use in the free time the board or is not allowed because it ruins tha path.


2022-07-08 22:53

I actually do mention this in Lesson 0, both when talking about the tools and the 50% rule. You are encouraged to jump into digital media for the 50% rule, or really anything outside of doing the Drawabox homework itself.


2022-07-08 23:44

Hey just wanted to tell you. In tandem with draw a box and the beginners Udemy course I have made massive strides.

You do such a phenomenal job explaining basic aspects and making them click.

Due to work,kids, life, and such I can't dedicate as much time daily as I'd like maybe like 30 to 45. But I can already see the difference and it comes from the understanding.

Anyways thank you for your program and what you provide at no cost!


2022-07-08 23:46

Thank you for the kind words! And I'm glad you've seen significant improvements in your work.