Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

what lesson covers interlocking of forms?


2022-07-04 07:58


Ok so I want to get better at interlocking forms often when I draw forms interlocking they are off or look wrong what Lessons work on improving this skill?


2022-07-04 18:49

Short answer: we first explore intersecting forms in Lesson 2, in the form intersections exercise.

Long answer: The form intersections exercise is where we first plant the seed of having students think about the ways in which their forms interlock and intersect in 3D space, but it is a major focus of this entire course. Understanding how to fit different forms together and how to define their relationships in 3D space relies heavily on one's spatial reasoning skills, which is essentially the main thing we work at developing in this course, from Lesson 1 all the way through 7. Even the constructional drawing lessons where we look at plants, insects, animals, vehicles, etc. are all just focused on understanding the relationships between forms.

So, as with anything in this course, you really shouldn't focus on any one exercise and expect it to solve a single specific issue. It's all interlinked, and there's no part of the course that exists without being somehow a stepping stone towards something else later down the road.


2022-07-04 21:06

oh right i remember now I forgot I remember commenting on the youtube video you made on it.