Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Question about how uncomfortable is creating his lines, in photoshop, in his YouTube videos


2022-06-27 08:01


It seems like he creates a point and then without seeing the line he is making he is able to click another point then a line appears, is created. Is this a feature in photoshop outside of the line segment tool or is this a variant of the line segment tool? I'm curious how he does this.


2022-06-27 13:16

Yes, it's a feature in Photoshop. If you click with the brush tool at one point, then shift clock at another, it'll draw a like between them. It does attempt to interpolate between the pressure at each point if you're using a stylus though so I often end up with lines that are thin on one end and thick on the other, which can be annoying at times, although I find doing a like in one direction and then the other can result in the line going from thick to thin to thick which can add some dynamism that can be interesting.


2022-06-28 00:04

thank you!


2022-06-28 07:09

Quick question, how were you able to quickly shade a whole face of the cube, as you did here? I just got photoshop so still learning.



2022-06-28 21:18

Not really in a position to check the video, but if I had to fill something like that quickly, I'd use the polygonal selection tool to select the area, then fill it in.