Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

[Promptathon] Everything, a dragon submission.


2022-06-26 04:49



2022-06-27 01:37

As the subreddit is restricted only to completed homework submissions and questions relating to course material (so that students have as good a chance as they can of getting eyes on their work/questions, which is already rather difficult), at this time we do not allow for anything else to be submitted.

While it would potentially make sense to allow promptathon work, I worry that it would also encourage others to submit non-promptathon work, resulting in more erroneous submissions having to be dealt with in the spam filter, so for now we're going to hold to that.

Of course, we have a dedicated channel on the drawabox discord chat server where you can share your drawings and discuss the promptathon, as well as a channel where any promptathon work submitted to the drawabox website is automatically shared. You may want to try one of those.

Alternatively, more general drawing subreddits like /r/drawing, /r/learnart and /r/idap would also be good choices.


2022-06-27 04:01

Hello. I didn't know (or read) about the subreddit rules and thought it would be easier to just upload to reddit and link.

I'll won't upload it here from now on. Thanks for the reply.

Edit: uploaded to imgur here so my submission is not voided.