Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Drawing fruits and vegetables without texture


2022-06-25 17:18


It may be a silly question but do you have any idea of how to draw and convey the surface of smooth stuff like eggplants, tomatoes or any other smooth round surfaces?

For example, those tomatoes:


Most of the surface is dark and there is few lighter parts. In the drawing, should I cover in black all the relatively dark areas and keep the highlights white so it will give the shiny affect, or to do nothing about the surface?

Or should I only slightly imply of the tomato's surface, if so, how do I do that?

Here I share my result, but in my opinion it looks exaggerated: https://ibb.co/JRYVLwV



2022-06-29 12:39

Smoothness is an absence of the textural forms- like bumps, scratches, etc. We focus on when adding texture in this course. Thus for our purposes, if it's smooth, generally we needn't add any texture.

You're confusing texture with decoration, which is leading you to add form shading, which as discussed in Lesson 2 should be left out of your drawings for this course.


2022-06-30 06:56

Thank you!